Sunday, May 1, 2011

Carnival of Aces

There's a brand new asexual blogging carnival: A Carnival of Aces.  A blogging carnival is a periodic event that collects posts from various bloggers on a single topic.  The theme of the inaugural edition is "coming out", which I hope is something even non-asexuals find interesting.

If I were to highlight two posts in the carnival, I'd pick Elizabeth's and Pippin's (which has comics!).

This carnival reminds me of back in the day when I used to participate in the Carnival of the Godless and Skeptic's Circle.  At some point I lost interest, or I lost the confidence required to submit.  Now both of these carnivals are dead.  Not sure what happened there.  I suspect it might be because the skeptical and atheist blogospheres got so big that they outgrew the carnivals.  Here's to hoping the same eventually happens here.

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