Monday, November 12, 2007

Miscellaneous blogging issues

Ok, I have a few blogging questions. I'm not posing them to anyone in particular, they just happen to be on my mind.

One of the things that really annoys me is that whenever I post something, the default time stamp is set to the time that I started writing the draft. This makes no sense. I want the time stamp to be the time when I actually post the item. If I don't change it manually every time, my post ends up looking several days old, and won't appear on the top. What is up with Blogger and its bugs?

Another problem is that there is no easy way to have a "fold" in my posts. On most blogs, the author can choose to show only the first paragraph or so of a post so that readers who want more can click on a link to get the full article. I found a complicated hack that can do this, but it had a small bug, and I decided it wasn't worthwhile.

Another issue is my blog title and tagline. I don't exactly know why I picked the title "Skeptic's Play". I guess I have this vague notion in my mind that the title signifies that I focus more on "fun" skepticism as opposed to "serious" skepticism. "Fun" skepticism is talking about abstract ideas that branch wildly from science and skepticism (obviously, not everyone's idea of fun). "Serious" skepticism is actually doing serious research on pseudoscientific claims (can be fun too, but it's hard work). At least, those were the thoughts that went through my mind when I rather quickly picked a title.

I have every intention of sticking with the title, but I do want a more descriptive and/or clever tagline that maybe explains my blog and its title. I am having trouble thinking anything up because, title aside, it is not clear to me what the focus of my blog really is. I just talk about what interests me.

It reminds me of one of Louis Sachar's Wayside School stories. In it, there was a lot of ice cream, each scoop flavored like a different one of the students. Whenever a student tasted another student's ice cream, the taste represented what they thought of that student. Whenever a student tasted his or her own ice cream, it was flavorless. Basically what I'm saying is that if my blog were an ice cream flavor, I wouldn't be able to taste it.

On a related note, I realize that there is no way to contact me outside of comments. I could create a new e-mail address, but I will only do so if there is enough demand for it.


  1. "One of the things that really annoys me is that whenever I post something, the default time stamp is set to the time that I started writing the draft. This makes no sense. I want the time stamp to be the time when I actually post the item. If I don't change it manually every time, my post ends up looking several days old, and won't appear on the top."

    How would you be able to change it manually? I find this thing really annoying too. The only way I could think of fixing the timestamp is by copying and pasting the whole thing on to a new post.

  2. I know; I have had the same thing happen to me, and it took some time before I found the solution (sort of)...Now...

    How to "fix" the time stamp in Blogger?:

    1.) Click on "Post options" That will open a drop-down section.

    2.) Look to the far right of that section labelled "Post date and time". Just change what's inside the form boxes to the current information just before posting.

    Yes, it is a pain in's behind; most blogging software does the correction automatically. But, that's Blogger for you.


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